Brazil Real Estate Pricing Research

I want to predict future prices for houses and apartments. To do this, I plan to build a model to predict price given latitude, longitude, and a set of features (like number of rooms, square footage, etc) and a date in the range of my data (2013 to 2016) and another model to build this forecast to current prices (2023) and future prices (2030, for example).

In this research, I will focus on the first model. The next one will be developed in the future.

To do price calculation I developed a “new” approach due to the lack of spatial features. Here I’m going to call it “KNN Spatial Boost”. I tested 5 models:

The “KNN Spatial Boost” is a boosting algorithm to improve other model’s performance in spatial data. It’s almost a feature engineering technique because it adds k-nearest neighbors (based on specific features) as features but in addition, randomizes those neighbors a little bit in the training routine to reduce the model dependency on the dataset and improve generalization.

To read more about the algorithm, visit the code repository.

Data Exploration & Data Cleaning

Here’s my initial dataset. We need to check for outliers, missing fields, and see some distributions to identify data skewness.

raw_df = pd.read_csv("properati-BR-2016-11-01-properties-sell.csv", sep=",")
created_on operation property_type place_name place_with_parent_names geonames_id lat-lon lat lon price ... surface_covered_in_m2 price_usd_per_m2 price_per_m2 floor rooms expenses properati_url description title image_thumbnail
0 2013-04-25 sell apartment Mondubim |Brasil|Ceará|Fortaleza|Mondubim| NaN NaN NaN NaN 155900.0 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN 2.0 NaN Otimo Imovel com o melhor valor da regiao, con... Apartamento Em Fortaleza
1 2013-04-25 sell house Manhuaçu |Brasil|Minas Gerais|Manhuaçu| NaN NaN NaN NaN 950000.0 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN Otimo Imovel com o melhor valor da regiao, con... Casa Em Manhuacu
2 2013-04-25 sell house Ibatiba |Brasil|Espírito Santo|Ibatiba| NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN Otimo Imovel com o melhor valor da regiao, con... Sítio Em Ibatiba NaN

3 rows × 24 columns
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 872672 entries, 0 to 872671
Data columns (total 24 columns):
 #   Column                      Non-Null Count   Dtype  
---  ------                      --------------   -----  
 0   created_on                  872672 non-null  object 
 1   operation                   872672 non-null  object 
 2   property_type               872672 non-null  object 
 3   place_name                  872672 non-null  object 
 4   place_with_parent_names     872672 non-null  object 
 5   geonames_id                 140 non-null     float64
 6   lat-lon                     387227 non-null  object 
 7   lat                         387227 non-null  float64
 8   lon                         387227 non-null  float64
 9   price                       819401 non-null  float64
 10  currency                    819382 non-null  object 
 11  price_aprox_local_currency  819401 non-null  float64
 12  price_aprox_usd             819401 non-null  float64
 13  surface_total_in_m2         216934 non-null  float64
 14  surface_covered_in_m2       633240 non-null  float64
 15  price_usd_per_m2            589181 non-null  float64
 16  price_per_m2                589181 non-null  float64
 17  floor                       50794 non-null   float64
 18  rooms                       541746 non-null  float64
 19  expenses                    233318 non-null  float64
 20  properati_url               872672 non-null  object 
 21  description                 872672 non-null  object 
 22  title                       872672 non-null  object 
 23  image_thumbnail             834007 non-null  object 
dtypes: float64(13), object(11)
memory usage: 159.8+ MB

Our feature selection process will be based on non-null so we are going to select

  • created_on
  • property_type
  • lat
  • lon
  • price
  • surface_covered_in_m2
  • rooms

I would love to use floor and surface_total_in_m2 as features but they are filled for less than 10% for the dataset. In the future, the description column can be used with NLP to improve the price prediction accuracy.

But before selecting them we need to make some other analysis. For example, which categories do we have in property_type and in currency?

fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, figsize=(6, 14))

ax[0].title.set_text("Property type distribution")
    kind="bar", ax=ax[0], xlabel=""
plt.setp(ax[0].get_xticklabels(), rotation=30, horizontalalignment="right")

ax[1].title.set_text("Currency distribution")
    kind="bar", ax=ax[1], xlabel=""
plt.setp(ax[1].get_xticklabels(), rotation=30, horizontalalignment="right")
/tmp/ipykernel_212015/ UserWarning: FigureCanvasAgg is non-interactive, and thus cannot be shown

Unbalanced values can cause problems in model performance. Because of this we are going to drop PH, stores, and non-BRL rows. For continuous features, we need to do a similar analysis.

In addition to feature selection, we will convert the created_on column to ordinal and convert the property_type column to two columns like is_house and is_apartment (one-hot encoding).

clean_df = raw_df[
    & raw_df.lon.notnull()
    & raw_df.price.notnull()
    & raw_df.rooms.notnull()
    & raw_df.surface_covered_in_m2.notnull()
    & (raw_df.currency == "BRL")
    & ((raw_df.property_type == "apartment") | (raw_df.property_type == "house"))
clean_df.created_on =
clean_df.loc[:, "is_house"] = 0
clean_df.loc[clean_df.property_type == "house", "is_house"] = 1

clean_df.loc[:, "is_apartment"] = 0
clean_df.loc[clean_df.property_type == "apartment", "is_apartment"] = 1

clean_df.drop(columns=["property_type"], inplace=True)
lat lon created_on price surface_covered_in_m2 rooms is_house is_apartment
792 -3.474983 -38.928616 735045 5000000.0 1000.0 8.0 1 0
794 -23.547697 -46.657379 735115 2000000.0 180.0 3.0 0 1
795 -23.545349 -46.659519 735115 960000.0 109.0 3.0 0 1

Now the same analysis as before but now for continuous features.

def group_values(series: pd.Series, group_size: float) -> pd.Series:
    return ((series / group_size).map(int) * group_size).value_counts().sort_index()

fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=7, ncols=2, figsize=(12, 42))

ax[0, 0].title.set_text("Price distribution")
ax[0, 0].set_xlabel("price")
ax[0, 0].set_ylabel("quantity")
ax[0, 0].plot(group_values(clean_df[clean_df.price > 0].price, 50000))

ax[0, 1].title.set_text("log10(Price) distribution")
ax[0, 1].set_xlabel("log10(price)")
ax[0, 1].set_ylabel("quantity")
ax[0, 1].plot(group_values(np.log10(clean_df[clean_df.price > 0].price), 0.5))

ax[1, 0].title.set_text("Surface covered in m2 distribution")
ax[1, 0].set_xlabel("m2")
ax[1, 0].set_ylabel("quantity")
ax[1, 0].plot(
            (clean_df.surface_covered_in_m2 > 0)
            & (clean_df.surface_covered_in_m2 < 5000)

ax[1, 1].title.set_text("log10(Surface covered in m2) distribution")
ax[1, 1].set_xlabel("log(m2)")
ax[1, 1].set_ylabel("quantity")
ax[1, 1].plot(
                (clean_df.surface_covered_in_m2 > 0)
                & (clean_df.surface_covered_in_m2 < 5000)

positive_price_and_m2 = clean_df[
    (clean_df.price > 0) & (clean_df.surface_covered_in_m2 > 0)

filtered_price_and_m2 = positive_price_and_m2[
    (positive_price_and_m2.price / positive_price_and_m2.surface_covered_in_m2 > 1500)
    & (
        positive_price_and_m2.price / positive_price_and_m2.surface_covered_in_m2
        < 20000

ax[2, 0].title.set_text("Price/surface covered in m2 distribution")
ax[2, 0].set_xlabel("price/m2")
ax[2, 0].set_ylabel("quantity")
ax[2, 0].plot(
        positive_price_and_m2.price / positive_price_and_m2.surface_covered_in_m2,

ax[2, 1].title.set_text("Price/surface covered in m2 distribution but filtered")
ax[2, 1].set_xlabel("price/m2")
ax[2, 1].set_ylabel("quantity")
ax[2, 1].plot(
        filtered_price_and_m2.price / filtered_price_and_m2.surface_covered_in_m2,

ax[3, 0].title.set_text("Rooms distribution")
ax[3, 0].set_xlabel("rooms")
ax[3, 0].set_ylabel("quantity")
ax[3, 0].plot(group_values(clean_df.rooms, 1))

ax[3, 1].title.set_text("Rooms distribution but filtered")
ax[3, 1].set_xlabel("rooms")
ax[3, 1].set_ylabel("quantity")
ax[3, 1].plot(group_values(clean_df[clean_df.rooms < 16].rooms, 1))

ax[4, 0].title.set_text("Creation data distribution")
ax[4, 0].set_xlabel("days since 01-01-0001")
ax[4, 0].set_ylabel("quantity")
ax[4, 0].plot(

ax[4, 1].title.set_text("log(Creation data) distribution")
ax[4, 1].set_xlabel("log(days since 01-01-0001)")
ax[4, 1].set_ylabel("quantity")
ax[4, 1].plot(

ax[5, 0].title.set_text("Latitude distribution")
ax[5, 0].set_xlabel("latitude")
ax[5, 0].set_ylabel("quantity")
ax[5, 0].plot(group_values(, 1))

ax[5, 1].title.set_text("Latitude distribution but filtered")
ax[5, 1].set_xlabel("latitude")
ax[5, 1].set_ylabel("quantity")
ax[5, 1].plot(group_values(clean_df[ < -2].lat, 1))

ax[6, 0].title.set_text("Longitude distribution")
ax[6, 0].set_xlabel("longitude")
ax[6, 0].set_ylabel("quantity")
ax[6, 0].plot(group_values(clean_df.lon, 1))

ax[6, 1].title.set_text("Longitude distribution but filtered")
ax[6, 1].set_xlabel("longitude")
ax[6, 1].set_ylabel("quantity")
ax[6, 1].plot(
    group_values(clean_df[(clean_df.lon < -34) & (clean_df.lon > -55)].lon, 1)
/tmp/ipykernel_212015/ UserWarning: FigureCanvasAgg is non-interactive, and thus cannot be shown

Note that some of those features are worth applying some non-linear normalization like logarithm. The price and the surface covered in m2 are obviously skewed. Rooms, creation date, price over m2, latitude, and longitude are not so much so I’m only going to apply some linear transformation and filtering to them. Before adding new features I want to see feature correlation to check if they make sense.

corr_df = clean_df.copy()
corr_df["log_price"] = np.log10(corr_df.price)
corr_df["log_m2"] = np.log10(corr_df.surface_covered_in_m2)
corr_df["price_over_m2"] = corr_df.price / corr_df.surface_covered_in_m2
corr_df["log_price_over_m2"] = np.log10(corr_df.price / corr_df.surface_covered_in_m2)
corr = corr_df.corr().round(2)
sb.heatmap(corr, cmap="Blues", annot=True, annot_kws={"fontsize": 8})
/home/cleto/repos/knn-spatial-boost/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/core/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log10
  result = getattr(ufunc, method)(*inputs, **kwargs)
<Axes: >

Since price and surface_covered_in_m2 are skewed I considered applying the log to them. But note that log_price and log_m2 are highly correlated (0.74). If we take a look at the price_over_m2 row in the correlation matrix, we notice that it’s not highly correlated with anything and price_over_m2 distribution is not skewed. Because of this, we are going to use it as the target column!

df = corr_df[
    ( < -2)
    & (corr_df.lon < -34)
    & (corr_df.lon > -55)
    & (corr_df.price > 0)
    & (corr_df.rooms < 16)
    & (corr_df.price > 0)
    & (corr_df.surface_covered_in_m2 > 0)
    & (corr_df.surface_covered_in_m2 < 5000)
    & (corr_df.price_over_m2 > 1500)
    & (corr_df.price_over_m2 < 20000)
][["lat", "lon", "created_on", "rooms", "is_house", "is_apartment", "price_over_m2"]]
lat lon created_on rooms is_house is_apartment price_over_m2
792 -3.474983 -38.928616 735045 8.0 1 0 5000.000000
794 -23.547697 -46.657379 735115 3.0 0 1 11111.111111
795 -23.545349 -46.659519 735115 3.0 0 1 8807.339450
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Index: 153337 entries, 792 to 872640
Data columns (total 7 columns):
 #   Column         Non-Null Count   Dtype  
---  ------         --------------   -----  
 0   lat            153337 non-null  float64
 1   lon            153337 non-null  float64
 2   created_on     153337 non-null  int64  
 3   rooms          153337 non-null  float64
 4   is_house       153337 non-null  int64  
 5   is_apartment   153337 non-null  int64  
 6   price_over_m2  153337 non-null  float64
dtypes: float64(4), int64(3)
memory usage: 9.4 MB

Here’s a geographical view of the data. For future comparison, we are going to “zoom in” Belo Horizonte (BH), which is a big city, filter to only apartments with 1 room. I used logarithm in the price to show colors in a smoother way.

bh_lats = (-19.99491, -19.83163)
bh_longs = (-44.02857, -43.90612)
bh_df = df[
    ( > bh_lats[0])
    & ( < bh_lats[1])
    & (df.lon > bh_longs[0])
    & (df.lon < bh_longs[1])
    & (df.is_apartment == 1)
    & (df.rooms == 1)
plt.title("Belo Horizonte price distribution")

min_created_on = df.created_on.min()
max_created_on = df.created_on.max()
min_lat =
max_lat =
min_lon = df.lon.min()
max_lon = df.lon.max()
min_rooms = df.rooms.min()
max_rooms = df.rooms.max()
min_lon = df.lon.min()
max_lon = df.lon.max()
min_price_over_m2 = df.price_over_m2.min()
max_price_over_m2 = df.price_over_m2.max()

def normalize_xs(x: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
    x.created_on = (x.created_on - min_created_on) / (max_created_on - min_created_on) = ( - min_lat) / (max_lat - min_lat)
    x.lon = (x.lon - min_lon) / (max_lon - min_lon)
    x.rooms = (x.rooms - min_rooms) / (max_rooms - min_rooms)
    return x

def normalize_y(x: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
    x.price_over_m2 = (x.price_over_m2 - min_price_over_m2) / (
        max_price_over_m2 - min_price_over_m2
    return x

def denormalize_y(y: np.ndarray) -> pd.DataFrame:
    return (min_price_over_m2 + y * (max_price_over_m2 - min_price_over_m2)).round(2)

def prepare(x: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
    new_x = x.copy()
    return normalize_xs(normalize_y(new_x))

prepared_df = prepare(df)
lat lon created_on rooms is_house is_apartment price_over_m2
792 0.964141 0.793751 0.000000 0.500000 1 0 0.189147
794 0.242964 0.407479 0.057236 0.142857 0 1 0.519595
795 0.243049 0.407372 0.057236 0.142857 0 1 0.395022

Before starting training, we are going to split our dataset into a training dataset and a validation dataset.

def split_dataset(
    dataset: pd.DataFrame, test_ratio: float = 0.30
) -> t.Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]:
    test_indices = np.random.rand(len(dataset)) < test_ratio
    return dataset[~test_indices], dataset[test_indices]

train, valid = split_dataset(prepared_df)
X_train = train.loc[:, train.columns != "price_over_m2"].to_numpy()
y_train = train.price_over_m2.to_numpy()
X_valid = valid.loc[:, valid.columns != "price_over_m2"].to_numpy()
y_valid = valid.price_over_m2.to_numpy()
(107424, 6)
(45913, 6)

Sanity checks

Even with the validation dataset, we want to make some sanity checks after the training. To do it so, we built this function which evaluates the model with specific features. It’s a curried function because there are some standardized checks to apply to all models.

def eval(
    lat: t.Union[float, np.ndarray],
    lon: t.Union[float, np.ndarray],
    created_on: t.Union[, t.List[]],
    property_type: t.Literal["apartment", "house"],
    rooms: t.Union[int, np.ndarray],
) -> t.Callable[[t.Any], pd.DataFrame]:
    lat_vec = lat if isinstance(lat, np.ndarray) else np.array([lat])
    lon_vec = lon if isinstance(lon, np.ndarray) else np.array([lon])
    created_on_vec = (
        np.array([c.toordinal() for c in created_on])
        if isinstance(created_on, t.List)
        else np.array([created_on.toordinal()])
    rooms_vec = rooms if isinstance(rooms, np.ndarray) else np.array([rooms])

    m = np.vstack(
            for v in np.meshgrid(

    is_apartment = int(property_type == "apartment")
    is_house = int(property_type == "house")

    x_df = pd.DataFrame(
            "lat": m[:, 0],
            "lon": m[:, 1],
            "created_on": m[:, 2],
            "is_apartment": [is_apartment] * len(m),
            "is_house": [is_house] * len(m),
            "rooms": m[:, 3],
    x = normalize_xs(x_df.copy()).to_numpy()

    def fn(model: t.Any) -> pd.DataFrame:
        y = model.predict(x)
        x_df["price_over_m2"] = denormalize_y(y.reshape(len(m)))
        return x_df

    return fn

Here are all sanity checks:

lats = np.linspace(bh_lats[0], bh_lats[1], 100)
longs = np.linspace(bh_longs[0], bh_longs[1], 50)

santacruz = (-19.87755, -43.94184)
sion = (-19.95408, -43.93163)

start =, 7, 1)
date_list = [start + datetime.timedelta(days=x) for x in range(365 * 3)]

bh_heatmap_check = eval(lats, longs,, 1, 1), "apartment", 1)
santa_cruz_price_evolution = eval(
    santacruz[0], santacruz[1], date_list, "apartment", np.array([1, 2, 3])
sion_price_evolution = eval(
    sion[0], sion[1], date_list, "apartment", np.array([1, 2, 3])

Here’s a function to plot everything once:

def sanity_checks(model: t.Any, price_limit: t.Optional[float] = None) -> None:
    bh_heatmap = bh_heatmap_check(model)
    santa_cruz = santa_cruz_price_evolution(model)
    sion = sion_price_evolution(model)

    if price_limit is not None:
        bh_heatmap.loc[bh_heatmap.price > price_limit, "price"] = price_limit

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, figsize=(6, 13))

    ax[0].title.set_text("BH price heatmap")
    scatter = ax[0].scatter(
            {"norm": colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=price_limit)}
            if price_limit is not None
            else {}
    plt.setp(ax[0].get_xticklabels(), rotation=30, horizontalalignment="right")

    ax[1].title.set_text("Santa Cruz price/m2 evolution")
        santa_cruz[santa_cruz.rooms == 1].price_over_m2.rolling(30).mean(),
        label="1 room",
        santa_cruz[santa_cruz.rooms == 2].price_over_m2.rolling(30).mean(),
        label="2 rooms",
        santa_cruz[santa_cruz.rooms == 3].price_over_m2.rolling(30).mean(),
        label="3 rooms",
    plt.setp(ax[1].get_xticklabels(), rotation=30, horizontalalignment="right")

    ax[2].title.set_text("Sion price/m2 evolution")
        sion[sion.rooms == 1].price_over_m2.rolling(30).mean(),
        label="1 room",
        sion[sion.rooms == 2].price_over_m2.rolling(30).mean(),
        label="2 rooms",
        sion[sion.rooms == 3].price_over_m2.rolling(30).mean(),
        label="3 rooms",
    plt.setp(ax[2].get_xticklabels(), rotation=30, horizontalalignment="right")

Random Forest

We are going to give a try to the Random Forest model.

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
rf = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=100, max_depth=15, random_state=0), y_train)
RandomForestRegressor(max_depth=15, random_state=0)
In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
On GitHub, the HTML representation is unable to render, please try loading this page with
rf.score(X_valid, y_valid)
/tmp/ipykernel_212015/ UserWarning: FigureCanvasAgg is non-interactive, and thus cannot be shown

Even with the high score, the model behavior is absolutely bad.

BH price heatmap: The model struggled to learn information from coordinates and built rectangular patterns. To get a more precise rectangular segmentation we need to increase max_depth and n_estimators to allow the model to store more information about the coordinates.

Price evolution: In both plots, the model cannot see the price difference between 1, 2, and 3 rooms. In real life every location got more expensive from 2013 to 2016 but for the model, the price doesn’t go up.

I believe it happened because of three reasons:

  1. Lack of generalization capabilities in the RF model;
  2. Lack of data;
  3. RF can learn a limited amount of information given max_depth and n_estimators. To increase it is necessary to raise max_depth and n_estimators. Unfortunately, it will increase the model size (which currently is 127 MB), increase time to train, increase time to inference, increase RAM usage, and can overfit the model.

Going beyond this point is not worth it. It makes RF not suitable for geospatial data with only coordinates.


We are going to give it a try to KNN.

from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor
knn = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=15, weights="distance"), y_train)
KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=15, weights='distance')
In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
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knn.score(X_valid, y_valid)
/tmp/ipykernel_212015/ UserWarning: FigureCanvasAgg is non-interactive, and thus cannot be shown

Low score and bad model behavior.

BH price heatmap: The model struggled to learn information from coordinates (maybe because of other features that are not geospatial coordinates) and built a random surface. Even lowering our expectations and allowing for a “low-resolution heatmap” the price should be higher at the bottom of the figure, not lower.

Price evolution: In both plots, the model cannot see too much price difference between 1, 2 and 3 rooms. The price is the same for a well-known expensive location and a well-known cheap location. In real life, every location got more expensive from 2013 to 2016 but for the model, the price doesn’t go up. Instead of it, the price goes up and down “randomly”.

This model can “learn” a lot of information but cannot learn the patterns from them.

Neural Networks

We are going to give it a try to neural networks.

from sklearn.neural_network import MLPRegressor
nn = MLPRegressor(
    hidden_layer_sizes=(128, 64, 32, 16),
), y_train)
Iteration 1, loss = 0.01155141
Validation score: 0.221862
Iteration 2, loss = 0.01088603
Validation score: 0.212346
Iteration 3, loss = 0.01077097
Validation score: 0.243658
Iteration 4, loss = 0.01061189
Validation score: 0.262032
Iteration 5, loss = 0.01034798
Validation score: 0.275889
Iteration 6, loss = 0.00965983
Validation score: 0.314949
Iteration 7, loss = 0.00913479
Validation score: 0.402566
Iteration 8, loss = 0.00878743
Validation score: 0.365734
Iteration 9, loss = 0.00846887
Validation score: 0.323008
Iteration 10, loss = 0.00835023
Validation score: 0.457188
Iteration 11, loss = 0.00822268
Validation score: 0.450064
Iteration 12, loss = 0.00813812
Validation score: 0.429624
Iteration 13, loss = 0.00803822
Validation score: 0.208194
Iteration 14, loss = 0.00809019
Validation score: 0.464554
Iteration 15, loss = 0.00811037
Validation score: 0.381254
Iteration 16, loss = 0.00806553
Validation score: 0.448898
Iteration 17, loss = 0.00805290
Validation score: 0.461965
Iteration 18, loss = 0.00788982
Validation score: 0.475674
Iteration 19, loss = 0.00793062
Validation score: 0.449990
Iteration 20, loss = 0.00778544
Validation score: 0.486660
Iteration 21, loss = 0.00779338
Validation score: 0.477434
Iteration 22, loss = 0.00777171
Validation score: 0.462441
Iteration 23, loss = 0.00770208
Validation score: 0.382629
Iteration 24, loss = 0.00781632
Validation score: 0.490394
Iteration 25, loss = 0.00778360
Validation score: 0.444528
Iteration 26, loss = 0.00771133
Validation score: 0.465044
Iteration 27, loss = 0.00769576
Validation score: 0.471903
Iteration 28, loss = 0.00773866
Validation score: 0.449037
Iteration 29, loss = 0.00770919
Validation score: 0.494166
Iteration 30, loss = 0.00771471
Validation score: 0.465014
Iteration 31, loss = 0.00767140
Validation score: 0.467776
Iteration 32, loss = 0.00757540
Validation score: 0.487759
Iteration 33, loss = 0.00759566
Validation score: 0.490186
Iteration 34, loss = 0.00758822
Validation score: 0.410153
Iteration 35, loss = 0.00759636
Validation score: 0.501076
Iteration 36, loss = 0.00757625
Validation score: 0.497474
Iteration 37, loss = 0.00761486
Validation score: 0.440051
Iteration 38, loss = 0.00756604
Validation score: 0.456769
Iteration 39, loss = 0.00751279
Validation score: 0.465779
Iteration 40, loss = 0.00759903
Validation score: 0.450521
Iteration 41, loss = 0.00755100
Validation score: 0.498528
Iteration 42, loss = 0.00751146
Validation score: 0.503334
Iteration 43, loss = 0.00753971
Validation score: 0.489244
Iteration 44, loss = 0.00751878
Validation score: 0.481944
Iteration 45, loss = 0.00752564
Validation score: 0.484779
Iteration 46, loss = 0.00749715
Validation score: 0.474444
Iteration 47, loss = 0.00754483
Validation score: 0.362897
Iteration 48, loss = 0.00749922
Validation score: 0.379450
Iteration 49, loss = 0.00744500
Validation score: 0.481598
Iteration 50, loss = 0.00744425
Validation score: 0.490585
Iteration 51, loss = 0.00747556
Validation score: 0.492221
Iteration 52, loss = 0.00743051
Validation score: 0.503634
Iteration 53, loss = 0.00746039
Validation score: 0.497111
Iteration 54, loss = 0.00743607
Validation score: 0.506194
Iteration 55, loss = 0.00738568
Validation score: 0.474368
Iteration 56, loss = 0.00740268
Validation score: 0.493748
Iteration 57, loss = 0.00750992
Validation score: 0.449288
Iteration 58, loss = 0.00735858
Validation score: 0.491898
Iteration 59, loss = 0.00737670
Validation score: 0.476540
Iteration 60, loss = 0.00734037
Validation score: 0.432427
Iteration 61, loss = 0.00732651
Validation score: 0.520696
Iteration 62, loss = 0.00734420
Validation score: 0.515336
Iteration 63, loss = 0.00734858
Validation score: 0.470467
Iteration 64, loss = 0.00734688
Validation score: 0.482842
Iteration 65, loss = 0.00731572
Validation score: 0.504744
Iteration 66, loss = 0.00740405
Validation score: 0.491073
Iteration 67, loss = 0.00736960
Validation score: 0.515602
Iteration 68, loss = 0.00734922
Validation score: 0.477252
Iteration 69, loss = 0.00731116
Validation score: 0.499762
Iteration 70, loss = 0.00727751
Validation score: 0.411075
Iteration 71, loss = 0.00731228
Validation score: 0.521941
Iteration 72, loss = 0.00735339
Validation score: 0.509044
Iteration 73, loss = 0.00726377
Validation score: 0.507393
Iteration 74, loss = 0.00731905
Validation score: 0.444809
Iteration 75, loss = 0.00723431
Validation score: 0.521621
Iteration 76, loss = 0.00729300
Validation score: 0.516061
Iteration 77, loss = 0.00727376
Validation score: 0.519239
Iteration 78, loss = 0.00725786
Validation score: 0.508508
Iteration 79, loss = 0.00729266
Validation score: 0.510332
Iteration 80, loss = 0.00726435
Validation score: 0.496192
Iteration 81, loss = 0.00718731
Validation score: 0.511710
Iteration 82, loss = 0.00723880
Validation score: 0.375131
Validation score did not improve more than tol=0.000100 for 10 consecutive epochs. Stopping.
MLPRegressor(batch_size=32, early_stopping=True,
             hidden_layer_sizes=(128, 64, 32, 16), random_state=0,
In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
On GitHub, the HTML representation is unable to render, please try loading this page with
nn.score(X_valid, y_valid)
/tmp/ipykernel_341749/ UserWarning: FigureCanvasAgg is non-interactive, and thus cannot be shown

Low score and bad model behavior.

BH price heatmap: The model struggled to learn information from coordinates and built a “random” surface. Even lowering our expectations and allowing a “low-resolution heatmap” the price should be higher on the right of the figure, not left.

Price evolution: The model ordered rooms almost OK but there’s not much price difference between 1, 2 and 3 rooms. The price is the same for a well-known expensive location and a well-known cheap location. In real life, every location got more expensive from 2013 to 2016 but for the model, the price goes down.

To allow the neural network to learn the patterns from the coordinates we will need a lot more parameters and running time.

PS: I attempted to run a neural network with the architecture 6-2000-2000-2000-1 on my notebook’s graphics card, but I did not see any improvement in the score even with more than 1 hour of train time.

Spatial Boosted Random Forest

Here’s where things got interesting. Since the “KKN Spatial Booster” increases model spatial awareness we can get a lot better behaviour.

from knn_spatial_boost.core import KNNSpatialBooster
boosted_rf = KNNSpatialBooster(
    spatial_features=[0, 1],
    estimator=RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=100, max_depth=15, random_state=0),
), y_train)
Running loop #0
boosted_rf.score(X_valid, y_valid)
/tmp/ipykernel_341749/ UserWarning: FigureCanvasAgg is non-interactive, and thus cannot be shown

Better model behavior but lower score.

BH price heatmap: Now we have a picture that looks like a city and not a “random” surface. The more expensive region of the city is darker, which is a great sign.

Price evolution: In both plots, the model cannot see the price difference between 1, 2, and 3 rooms. In real life every location got more expensive from 2013 to 2016 but for the model, the price doesn’t go up. Instead of it, the price goes up and down “randomly”.

Even with the spatial boost, looks like RF is not the right algorithm to deal with this problem because of its lack of generalization capabilities. It’s a calculation problem and all NNs do are calculations. That’s why we are going to try it with the spatial booster.

Spatial Boosted Neural Network

from sklearn.neural_network import MLPRegressor
boosted_nn = KNNSpatialBooster(
    spatial_features=[0, 1],
        hidden_layer_sizes=(64, 32, 16, 8),
), y_train)
Running loop #0
Iteration 1, loss = 0.01076201
Validation score: 0.639482
Iteration 2, loss = 0.00505485
Validation score: 0.646830
Iteration 3, loss = 0.00502750
Validation score: 0.606791
Iteration 4, loss = 0.00499496
Validation score: 0.594461
Iteration 5, loss = 0.00496672
Validation score: 0.654910
Iteration 6, loss = 0.00493094
Validation score: 0.651485
Iteration 7, loss = 0.00491670
Validation score: 0.631484
Iteration 8, loss = 0.00488778
Validation score: 0.656580
Iteration 9, loss = 0.00488642
Validation score: 0.640114
Iteration 10, loss = 0.00487413
Validation score: 0.654056
Running loop #1
Iteration 1, loss = 0.00492030
Validation score: 0.657268
Iteration 2, loss = 0.00489820
Validation score: 0.659917
Iteration 3, loss = 0.00490151
Validation score: 0.657331
Iteration 4, loss = 0.00489341
Validation score: 0.662173
Iteration 5, loss = 0.00487561
Validation score: 0.660516
Iteration 6, loss = 0.00487458
Validation score: 0.653273
Iteration 7, loss = 0.00486312
Validation score: 0.663242
Iteration 8, loss = 0.00486511
Validation score: 0.656660
Iteration 9, loss = 0.00485934
Validation score: 0.661999
Iteration 10, loss = 0.00484734
Validation score: 0.650012
Running loop #2
Iteration 1, loss = 0.00484281
Validation score: 0.658492
Iteration 2, loss = 0.00483870
Validation score: 0.660877
Iteration 3, loss = 0.00483310
Validation score: 0.661852
Iteration 4, loss = 0.00482470
Validation score: 0.661438
Iteration 5, loss = 0.00481553
Validation score: 0.651800
Iteration 6, loss = 0.00481803
Validation score: 0.646303
Iteration 7, loss = 0.00480763
Validation score: 0.662768
Iteration 8, loss = 0.00480969
Validation score: 0.663732
Iteration 9, loss = 0.00480441
Validation score: 0.660551
Iteration 10, loss = 0.00479137
Validation score: 0.660748
Running loop #3
Iteration 1, loss = 0.00482647
Validation score: 0.657868
Iteration 2, loss = 0.00483086
Validation score: 0.658173
Iteration 3, loss = 0.00482533
Validation score: 0.661644
Iteration 4, loss = 0.00481965
Validation score: 0.660866
Iteration 5, loss = 0.00481187
Validation score: 0.654417
Iteration 6, loss = 0.00481857
Validation score: 0.648055
Iteration 7, loss = 0.00481070
Validation score: 0.659433
Iteration 8, loss = 0.00481106
Validation score: 0.660187
Iteration 9, loss = 0.00480457
Validation score: 0.660062
Iteration 10, loss = 0.00479852
Validation score: 0.657204
Running loop #4
Iteration 1, loss = 0.00477730
Validation score: 0.647587
Iteration 2, loss = 0.00477892
Validation score: 0.657816
Iteration 3, loss = 0.00477693
Validation score: 0.653692
Iteration 4, loss = 0.00477174
Validation score: 0.646146
Iteration 5, loss = 0.00476712
Validation score: 0.646889
Iteration 6, loss = 0.00477756
Validation score: 0.657485
Iteration 7, loss = 0.00476419
Validation score: 0.657585
Iteration 8, loss = 0.00476931
Validation score: 0.659595
Iteration 9, loss = 0.00476752
Validation score: 0.658798
Validation score did not improve more than tol=0.000000 for 20 consecutive epochs. Stopping.
Running loop #5
Iteration 1, loss = 0.00478566
Validation score: 0.654872
Validation score did not improve more than tol=0.000000 for 20 consecutive epochs. Stopping.
Running loop #6
Iteration 1, loss = 0.00476722
Validation score: 0.659148
Validation score did not improve more than tol=0.000000 for 20 consecutive epochs. Stopping.
Running loop #7
Iteration 1, loss = 0.00477244
Validation score: 0.645208
Validation score did not improve more than tol=0.000000 for 20 consecutive epochs. Stopping.
Running loop #8
Iteration 1, loss = 0.00477162
Validation score: 0.656917
Validation score did not improve more than tol=0.000000 for 20 consecutive epochs. Stopping.
Running loop #9
Iteration 1, loss = 0.00475579
Validation score: 0.649134
Validation score did not improve more than tol=0.000000 for 20 consecutive epochs. Stopping.
/home/cleto/repos/knn-spatial-boost/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/sklearn/neural_network/ ConvergenceWarning: Stochastic Optimizer: Maximum iterations (10) reached and the optimization hasn't converged yet.
/home/cleto/repos/knn-spatial-boost/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/sklearn/neural_network/ ConvergenceWarning: Stochastic Optimizer: Maximum iterations (10) reached and the optimization hasn't converged yet.
/home/cleto/repos/knn-spatial-boost/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/sklearn/neural_network/ ConvergenceWarning: Stochastic Optimizer: Maximum iterations (10) reached and the optimization hasn't converged yet.
/home/cleto/repos/knn-spatial-boost/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/sklearn/neural_network/ ConvergenceWarning: Stochastic Optimizer: Maximum iterations (10) reached and the optimization hasn't converged yet.
boosted_nn.score(X_valid, y_valid)
/tmp/ipykernel_341749/ UserWarning: FigureCanvasAgg is non-interactive, and thus cannot be shown

Best model behavior but low score.

BH price heatmap: Now we have a picture that looks like a city and not a “random” surface. The more expensive region of the city is darker, which is a great sign.

Price evolution: Curves correct order (3 rooms are more expensive than 2 rooms). Correct behavior over time since the price goes up.

Everything looks good but the scores in both training and validation datasets are poor. Note that we decided to use only the first neighbor and maybe there’s not enough context to the model to calculate a final price. To increase the number of neighbors we need to increase the NN size because it cannot handle this amount of information.

Spatial Boosted Neural Network (Bigger Architecture)

When trying to increase the number of neighbors and the number of neurons in each layer my CPU started struggling. The SciKit Learn implementation of NN is CPU-only so I tried Tensorflow and Keras to use my GPU.

I tested a lot of neighbor quantities with the 2000-2000-2000-1 architecture (and built a table with training score, validation score, etc, but I lost it) and figured out that 4 is the ideal number of neighbors for that amount of neurons and layers.

keras_nn = tf.keras.models.Sequential()
keras_nn.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(2000, activation="relu", input_shape=(28,)))
keras_nn.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(2000, activation="relu"))
keras_nn.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(2000, activation="relu"))
keras_nn.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, activation="linear"))

# Compile the model
boosted_keras_nn = KNNSpatialBooster(
    spatial_features=[0, 1],
), y_train)
Running loop #0
3357/3357 [==============================] - 68s 19ms/step - loss: 0.0115 - r2_score: 0.5864
Running loop #1
3357/3357 [==============================] - 63s 19ms/step - loss: 0.0083 - r2_score: 0.7024
Running loop #2
3357/3357 [==============================] - 63s 19ms/step - loss: 0.0082 - r2_score: 0.7041
Running loop #3
3357/3357 [==============================] - 64s 19ms/step - loss: 0.0082 - r2_score: 0.7067
Running loop #4
3357/3357 [==============================] - 64s 19ms/step - loss: 0.0081 - r2_score: 0.7097
Running loop #5
3357/3357 [==============================] - 64s 19ms/step - loss: 0.0081 - r2_score: 0.7101
Running loop #6
3357/3357 [==============================] - 64s 19ms/step - loss: 0.0080 - r2_score: 0.7121
Running loop #7
3357/3357 [==============================] - 65s 19ms/step - loss: 0.0080 - r2_score: 0.7118
Running loop #8
3357/3357 [==============================] - 65s 19ms/step - loss: 0.0080 - r2_score: 0.7134
Running loop #9
3357/3357 [==============================] - 64s 19ms/step - loss: 0.0080 - r2_score: 0.7133
Running loop #10
3357/3357 [==============================] - 65s 19ms/step - loss: 0.0080 - r2_score: 0.7131
Running loop #11
3357/3357 [==============================] - 65s 19ms/step - loss: 0.0080 - r2_score: 0.7137
Running loop #12
3357/3357 [==============================] - 65s 19ms/step - loss: 0.0079 - r2_score: 0.7153
Running loop #13
3357/3357 [==============================] - 64s 19ms/step - loss: 0.0079 - r2_score: 0.7149
Running loop #14
3357/3357 [==============================] - 61s 18ms/step - loss: 0.0079 - r2_score: 0.7156
Running loop #15
3357/3357 [==============================] - 61s 18ms/step - loss: 0.0079 - r2_score: 0.7162
Running loop #16
3357/3357 [==============================] - 61s 18ms/step - loss: 0.0079 - r2_score: 0.7176
Running loop #17
3357/3357 [==============================] - 61s 18ms/step - loss: 0.0079 - r2_score: 0.7166
Running loop #18
3357/3357 [==============================] - 61s 18ms/step - loss: 0.0079 - r2_score: 0.7164
Running loop #19
3357/3357 [==============================] - 61s 18ms/step - loss: 0.0079 - r2_score: 0.7172
Running loop #20
3357/3357 [==============================] - 61s 18ms/step - loss: 0.0078 - r2_score: 0.7183
Running loop #21
3357/3357 [==============================] - 61s 18ms/step - loss: 0.0078 - r2_score: 0.7192
Running loop #22
3357/3357 [==============================] - 61s 18ms/step - loss: 0.0078 - r2_score: 0.7186
Running loop #23
3357/3357 [==============================] - 61s 18ms/step - loss: 0.0078 - r2_score: 0.7186
Running loop #24
3357/3357 [==============================] - 61s 18ms/step - loss: 0.0078 - r2_score: 0.7183
Running loop #25
3357/3357 [==============================] - 61s 18ms/step - loss: 0.0079 - r2_score: 0.7176
Running loop #26
3357/3357 [==============================] - 61s 18ms/step - loss: 0.0078 - r2_score: 0.7180
Running loop #27
3357/3357 [==============================] - 61s 18ms/step - loss: 0.0078 - r2_score: 0.7187
Running loop #28
3357/3357 [==============================] - 61s 18ms/step - loss: 0.0079 - r2_score: 0.7175
Running loop #29
3357/3357 [==============================] - 61s 18ms/step - loss: 0.0078 - r2_score: 0.7184
Running loop #30
3357/3357 [==============================] - 61s 18ms/step - loss: 0.0078 - r2_score: 0.7182
Running loop #31
3357/3357 [==============================] - 61s 18ms/step - loss: 0.0078 - r2_score: 0.7195
Running loop #32
3357/3357 [==============================] - 60s 18ms/step - loss: 0.0078 - r2_score: 0.7203
boosted_keras_nn.score(X_valid, y_valid)
1435/1435 [==============================] - 8s 5ms/step - loss: 0.0078 - r2_score: 0.7193
[0.007787229958921671, 0.7192660570144653]
157/157 [==============================] - 1s 3ms/step
103/103 [==============================] - 0s 3ms/step
103/103 [==============================] - 0s 4ms/step
/tmp/ipykernel_341749/ UserWarning: FigureCanvasAgg is non-interactive, and thus cannot be shown


Model Time to train Score BH check Santa Cruz and Sion check
Random Forest 35.1s 0.739 Vertical and horizontal patterns Colapsing curves going up and down
KNN 0.3s 0.632 Random smooth surface Curves going up and down
Neural Network 7m42.4s 0.521 Random smooth surface Correct curve order but they go up and down and the same price for different places
Spatial Boosted Random Forest 44.3s 0.647 Seems natural Colapsing random curves
Spatial Boosted Neural Network 7m16s 0.619 Seems natural Correct order and arguable price evolution and price difference between places
Spatial Boosted Neural Network (Bigger Architecture) 35m56.1s 0.719 Seems natural Almost correct order and arguable price evolution and price difference between places

RF had the best score but with a little bit more investigation we see a bad geospatial generalization and no price difference when adding more rooms. It seems to overfit but due to a lack of data and not to a model inability. We need more spatial features like distance to the nearest city center, hospital, school, public transportation, etc.

KNN had the best time to train but struggled with all other evaluation criteria.

NN seems to underfit. It’s expected given the time to train and the complexity of understanding price fluctuation given only coordinates. It’s possible to fit a NN with this data but only with a lot more time to train and a bigger architecture.

Instead of adding spatial features like distance to the nearest city center, I decided to use KNN to increase model spatial awareness by adding neighbors as features. In addition, I implemented neighbor randomness to improve model generalization.

Spatial Boosted RF had better geospatial generalization but again seems to overfit due to lack of data.

As NNs have greater generalization capacity, in the end, Spatial Boosted NN was the model that best managed to learn the patterns even with little data. It had the best qualitative performance even scoring worse than other models. The bigger version of it managed to score closer to the RF (0.719).

Improvements & Ideas

I believe we can encode spatial data in better ways. As we can see here, we can use coordinates as discrete cells, calculate embeddings for them, and use them in a transformer. Maybe in the future, I will try to reproduce this technique for this problem.

About this research

  • Generate a GIF to show price evolution through time.
  • Add an online demo for portfolio purposes.
  • description column can be used with NLP.

About the method

  • Identify the way this method affects the base model (needs more tuning?).
  • Try another dataset to figure out which kind of problem suits better with the technique.